FemtoGold Quad Chip Device (FGQD)

A NEXT GENERATION NON -INVASIVE, NON -ORAL – NO SIDE EFFECT, MEDICAL CARE; A plausible prevention and cure; also for – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What is COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ? Coronavirus Disease 2019

  • Coronaviruses is a family of viruses which causes respiratory disease ranging from common cold to fatal disease.
  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) is a new strain for Coronaviruses which was discovered in 2019 in human.
  • COVID-19 infects the body by entering healthy cells. There, the invader makes copies of itself and multiplies throughout the body.
  • Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
  • WHO has declared COVID-19 as Pandemic on 11.03, 2020

FGQD for prevention and cure of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Ideal for treatment of dry cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty in breathing which are the symptoms for COVID-19 thru non- invasive, non-oral, no side effect FemtoGold Quad Chip Device.(FGQD)

In 3 plus days patient’s condition improves to get better and may lead to cure in couple of weeks

And about maybe few weeks to get back to normal conditions

No odd restrictions , no side effects – because of Non-Oral, Non-Invasive FGQD (wearable) device.

This FemtoGold Technology is a next generation, non-invasive, non-oral, no side effect, 360 ° medical care technology making impossible very much possible.

Gold sub-Nano particles, also known as FemtoGold, represents a new wave in medical & healthcare Each FemtoGold particle is so small that it would take 500000 of them to span the width of a single human hair.

Gold when gets to Nano particle in size, it become Electro-magnetic in nature and can create spectrum of various frequencies based on multiple parameters.

In Gold only Nano particles are in research by the pharmaceutical industry to create next generation drug delivery applications.

The technology works at sub-atomic level in the range of 850 GHz to 450 THz emitting high speed 200 Billon charged particles per second.

Here the Gold Femto of various nano particles and sizes are used for creating different frequency spectrum ranging from 850 GHz – 450 THz.

Frequencies of this level are not easy to be produced other wise and are so small that it can actually pass through the cell of the human body.

This technology has become an instrument in resolving many of symptoms in various diseases which are symptoms exhibited by COVID-19 disease.

Apart from many ailments the major role of it is in working at Genetic ,Cellular, Chromosomes , DNAs & Amino Acid levels.

FGQD can help in Mucodilation to clear up the lungs.

Pneumonia can also be combatted using the FGQD.

FGQD can help the patient with lung fibrosis in with oxygen saturation of 70 with tachycardia to bring it to normal range of saturation and pulse rate.

Many hormones get produced in the body naturally.

FGQD helps in metabolism, various hormones and many factors which are depended on many basic building blocks.

FGQD generated waves can play major role in many aliments

FGQD generated waves acting at the sub DNA level can handle many things. It could be of use in multiple level and even to help in cancer treatment.

FemtoGold would hence become next generation medical support system, which makes life easy even for the ailments based on Hormones and Enzymes – same not which can be easily secreted by use of any conventional or new drugs

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An Analyst, Activist, Strategist, Visionary Entrepreneur & Investor for +ing Value through Innovations

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